Google Adsense: How to Earn Money Online: A Step by Step Guide

Online income generation is one of the most popular search terms ever, and for good reason. Everyone wants to earn a little extra money from Google AdSense —in some cases, a lot of money—don’t they?

Although there are many possibilities on the internet, Google AdSense is one of the greatest and is by far the most dependable. You only need to conduct the necessary research, create high-quality content, and create an AdSense account.

The AsanBaz team has produced a list of the most crucial Google AdSense FAQs that everyone should read through if they want to make money online. Information on the internet can be misleading and is frequently not all available in one location. For your convenience, we have addressed every aspect of Google AdSense, from signing up to getting money.

Table of Contents


What is Google AdSense?

By placing relevant adverts alongside your website’s regular content, Google AdSense is a free way to monetize your website traffic. You’ll get paid whenever an ad is seen or clicked.

2 million individuals choose AdSense. Due to the fierce competition for ad space from millions of advertisers in 2015, Google paid roughly $10B to its publishers, demonstrating the effectiveness of AdSense.

The adaptability and dependability of AdSense, together with the available possibilities, are some of its appealing features.

  • Ad placement options, blocking of unwanted ads, and customization of text ad elements to match the design of your website are all available.
  • It won’t matter if someone is seeing your website on a mobile device, tablet, or laptop because Google AdSense is mobile-friendly, which means the ad units have the capacity to adapt to different screen sizes.
  • The main benefit is that you may play a part in increasing your earnings by promoting the kind of adverts that fit with the environment of the website. The alternatives for selecting the ideal ad types and formats are numerous. Performance metrics allow you to analyze statistics and assist with any corrections.

How Big Is Google AdSense?

Websites can display ads and generate income through the Google AdSense program thanks to the huge and popular Google AdSense platform. Google claims that AdSense is utilized by millions of websites and has given users all over the world billions of ad impressions.

One of the biggest and most popular advertising networks in the world, AdSense is a part of the Google Advertising network. AdWords, AdMob, and DoubleClick are just a few of the products and services that make up the Google Advertising network. They enable advertisers to connect with people on a range of platforms, such as the Google search engine, Google Maps, and other websites and apps.

With a sizable and varied network of publishers and advertisers, Google AdSense is a major participant in the internet advertising sector. For many websites, it is a significant source of income, and companies wishing to advertise to a large audience continue to favor it.

Benefits of Using Google AdSense

Simple to use: There is little setup required for Google AdSense. The only requirements for publishers are to create an account, put the AdSense code to their website, and select the ad types they want to display.

  1. Many ad types are available with Google AdSense, allowing publishers to select the one that best suits their needs. These forms include text, display, video, and mobile ads.
  2. Options for customization: Publishers can alter the appearance of their ads to match the style and feel of their website, which makes them less obvious to users and less invasive.
  3. Extensive reporting: Publishers can track the effectiveness of their advertising and make data-driven decisions about their ad campaigns thanks to Google AdSense’s robust reporting capabilities.
  4. Wide reach: Google AdSense has a broad audience because it is used by advertisers from all around the world. Publishers may be able to monetize their traffic and increase their income in this way.
  5. Numerous payment choices: To make it simple for publishers to collect their earnings, Google AdSense offers multiple payment alternatives, including electronic bank transfer, check, and wire transfer.
  6. In general, Google AdSense is a useful tool for content creators who want to monetize website traffic and generate income from their work.

What kinds of AdSense accounts are there?

Both business and individual accounts are available.

  • Payments are made to the firm if you have a business account or to your name if you have an individual account; there is no difference in service or payment structure.
  • Once your account is activated, you cannot modify the kind of your account. You must create a new account from scratch if you decide to modify the account type.

What rules does Google follow when allowing Google Adsense to run on websites?

Keeping up with all relevant Google policies is essential if you want to receive the benefits in full while avoiding any mishaps, as they frequently change.

This is not a complete list, but the following rules are the most common and must be followed to maintain a legitimate account.

Clicks and Impressions

Avoid clicking your own advertising.

You must follow the regular approach and enter the URL of the advertisement into your browser to learn more about it.

Do not request the click of anybody else.

According to the policy, the website may not be used to solicit donations for any cause, including your own, by directly or indirectly enticing users to visit other websites or send emails. They should click only if it is in their own best interests.

Selecting an Ad Placement

  • Publishers must ensure that ads are positioned in accordance with the guidelines, such as not beneath deceptive headings, away from interactive aspects, and without blending in with the site’s content in order to deceive users. To put it another way, publishers shouldn’t employ dishonest methods to entice visitors to click the adverts. Even for unintentional clicks, publishers may still get a violation notice.
  • Ads should be put away from the game controls if you run a website containing games so that users won’t mistakenly click on them. It is advised to retain a minimum of 150 pixels between the flash player and the advertisement.
  • There are additional rules like AdSense for video, AdSense for games, or the YouTube Partner Program if you want to make money through video streaming, game interface by overlaying ads, in stream or interstitial ads, or sites exclusively for streaming videos. Content ads are not to be placed on game interfaces, interstitial pages, or sites that only offer streaming video.

Monitoring the adverts

When purchasing and creating advertising campaigns with other parties, you must use prudence. They shouldn’t use any software application or pop-up windows to display your website.

Internet Analytics

Using the analytical capabilities that Google Analytics offers, you can even determine where the majority of clicks occurred. This information could help you better understand the traffic to your website and make more informed decisions about upgrades.

Guidelines for content

Even if the content on a page was written by someone else, publishers are nonetheless liable for it.

Content limitations

Google advertisements won’t appear next to content that is displayed on websites that violates the rules of the program. Restricted content may be violent, copyrighted, adult, or mature.

Your own content

Users are expected to be aware of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and employ some practical techniques to raise the status of their websites. It should have detailed information and pertinent keywords that would be employed in line with the main idea of your content.

  • Focus on the relevant content and avoid hidden links and texts.
  • Avoid creating them in order to boost your website’s ranking because Google will remove them if they don’t bring value to consumers’ experiences. Also, it will take the proper legal action against thin affiliate sites, doorway pages, scraped content and automatically generated content.

Ad Implementation Google Adsense

Ad Policy Ad placement policies outline explicit guidelines for where advertisements should and should not be placed.

And Ad placement principles set forth particular guidelines for ad placement, including that ads should not be displayed in pop-up windows, behind login buttons, within the software, or on websites that resemble Google.

It is not permitted to change the design, operation, targeting, or distribution of advertisements without first receiving Google’s consent.

  • Automatic software installation and pop-ups are unacceptable.
  • It’s wrong to impersonate Google Pages. Publishers are not allowed to use Google features, such as
  • without Google’s consent, use Google’s trademarks, logos, or websites, etc.
  • Publishers should refrain from modifying users’ home pages via pop-up ads and from enticing them to download software.

Remove advertisements or your account

Google can stop serving advertising on your website or in your account. You must respond and carefully read the notification email in order to re-enable them.

  • In case your advertising is disabled, you must keep your AdSense account’s related email current. Also, the publishers must carefully read the emails and respond to any requests. In the event that notices regarding issues are received, you must carefully update your whole network of websites to conform with AdSense standards.

What requirements must one meet in order to participate in Google Adsense?

  • First and foremost, you need to be the legal owner of the website and have access to its HTML code. If you apply for AdSense and submit a website that you do not own (such as, your application will not be accepted.
  • Second, in order to use Google’s AdSense services, the policies listed below must be adhered to. Google has the right to stop showing ads on your website or to disable your account if you don’t abide by their terms. You will no longer be allowed to participate in the AdSense program if your account is disabled.
  • In some places, your site must be operational for at least six months before it may be taken into consideration. To protect the interests of our advertisers and current publishers, this step serves as a quality check for their advertising network.
  • According to the Terms & Conditions, only applications from applicants who are older than 18 are eligible.

The eligibility requirements for creating host partner accounts on the websites Blogger and YouTube are different from those for determining if your blog is suitable for monetization. Even though you initially signed up as a host partner, you can link your products to a non-host partner website by just submitting a one-time application form.

What are the most popular sizes for Google Adsense display ads?

Images can be used as ads by advertisers on the Google Display network. This can significantly aid in bringing traffic from Google’s 2 million websites and apps to your product or service.

The following criteria must be met for Google to display images:

  • Just the GIF, JPG, PNG, SWF, and ZIP file types are supported.
    The file should not exceed 150 KB in size.

There are 20 distinct ad sizes available to you, divided into four size categories.


  • 468×60 – Banner
  • 728×90 – Leaderboard
  • 930×180 – Top Banner
  • 970×90 – Large Leaderboard
  • 970×250 – Billboard
  • 980×120 – Panorama


  • 300×50 – Mobile Banner
  • 320×50 – Mobile Banner
  • 320×100 – Large Mobile Banner

Square and rectangle

  • 200×200 – Small Square
  • 240×400 – Vertical Rectangle
  • 250×250 – Square
  • 250×360 – Triple Widescreen
  • 300×250 – Inline Rectangle
  • 336×280 – Large Rectangle
  • 580×400 – Netboard


  • 120×600 – Skyscraper
  • 160×600 – Wide Skyscraper
  • 300×600 – Half-Page Ad
  • 300×1050 – Portrait

Which sizes are the most popular? Can’t be answered definitively because different sizes have different uses.

Nonetheless, the following is a list of some sizes that are popular in various categories.

  • 160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper
  • 300 x 600 – Half-Page Ad
  • 970 x 90 – Large Leaderboard
  • 250 x 250 – Square
  • 200 x 200 – Small Square
  • 468 x 60 – Banner
  • 728 x 90 – Leaderboard
  • 300 x 250 – Inline Rectangle
  • 336 x 280 – Large Rectangle
  • 120 x 600 – Skyscraper

How can I open an account with Google Adsense?

It’s quite easy to open a Google AdSense account.

Simply carry out these actions.

  • Go to
  • On the main page click on Signup now button
Google Adsense
  • Enter your website URL followed by your email address.
  • Then, type your email address and the URL of your website.
  • Choose if you want AdSense to provide you with personalized performance advice and help. You can modify your contact settings
  • Provide the contact details.
  • The AdSense Terms & Conditions should be read and accepted.
  • Choose Create Account.

Your Google AdSense account has been created.

How do I confirm my AdSense account?

  • Log in to your newly created Google AdSense account.
  • In the left navigation panel, select My advertising.
  • After that, select Apply immediately under “Add AdSense for content.”
  • After entering all the necessary information, press the button that says “Submit my application.”
  • Create an ad unit, then add the ad code to a page that gets traffic at the URL you gave in your AdSense application.

How do I authorize my AdSense account?

It can be a little difficult to have an AdSense account approved, especially for users from Pakistan. Don’t worry, though; if you adhere to the fundamental rules before submitting your application, you will have an equal chance of success as anyone else in the world.

When submitting an application for approval, be sure to perform the following.

  • For your blog, purchase a top-level (.com) domain.
  • Include contact information and legal pages.
  • 15-20 high-quality, original posts
  • Consider making English the primary language on your website.
  • Choose a clean, classy template with quick loading times and simple navigation.
  • For your website, create a distinctive logo, favicon, and other copyrighted animations.
  • Avoid being duped by other marketers and make sure your website is free of advertisements while you wait for AdSense clearance.
  • Provide original content while abiding by copyright regulations
  • Employ social media links on your website to improve credibility.

By using these pointers, you increase your chances of being accepted, which opens up opportunities for online income.

How to request a PIN in Google AdSense?

For PIN requests, follow the steps below.

  • Account Details >> Check Address in Settings Get the AdSense PIN
  • How can an AdSense account be verified both with and without a PIN?
  • Once your AdSense account has generated $10 in earnings, you will be given an AdSense PIN code. Google sends this PIN to the address you have listed in your account via courier.
  • After a few days of meeting the verification criteria, AdSense sends this pin via normal mail.

Once you have received your PIN:

  • To access your Google AdSense account, you must log in.
  • Click Settings next and after that Account details
  • Next click on verify address
  • Now enter your PIN and click on submit
Pin verification

Your AdSense account is validated if you followed the instructions above.

Within the following four months of receiving your PIN, you must input it into your account. If the PIN is not entered within this time frame, AdSense will stop displaying advertisements. After a week from the time the threshold is met, the PIN will be generated and mailed to you.

If you still haven’t received your PIN, go to Settings >> Account Details >> Resend PIN to do so. If your payment address is incorrect, you run the risk of losing your PIN once more. Google states that you may only ask for a PIN three times before they refuse to give it to you. Recognize that all PINS are identical, and use any old PINS that have been sent to you as soon as possible to authenticate your account.

In rare circumstances, if the nation’s postal service has a history of being unreliable, Google will allow you to authenticate your account through official documentation if you don’t receive your PIN. While in some nations, only the PIN can be used for verification.

When will I receive my AdSense PIN?

Depending on where you live, it could take up to four weeks or longer to receive your PIN. You must ask for a new PIN if you don’t get your PIN within four weeks. To do this, log into your account and select the Home tab to access the Account settings page.

How to track the PIN for Google AdSense

The payment address you have specified in your AdSense account receives the AdSense PIN. It will only be sent to you via the nation’s postal service. When the PIN is delivered through the nation’s postal service, there is no tracking ID or other way to follow your PIN.

How much money can I make with AdSense?

The figure depends on a variety of variables, including the number of site visitors, the types of ads Google will display on your website, and the price advertisers are willing to pay for their ads.

You must consider the volume of traffic and cost per click, or CPC, in order to make a rough estimate. The CPC rates fluctuate between nations. The average CPC in Pakistan is 84 percent lower than the average in the US.

Your income, however, might be significantly increased or decreased depending on the kind of adverts that are shown on the webpage. For instance, more individuals are likely to click on an excellent advertisement than a strange one, which receives very few clicks.

Traffic from industrialized nations provides higher profits, whereas traffic from developing nations ensures lower profits.

Several bid types exist in addition to CPC. CPM, or the cost per thousand impressions, is one of them. Advertisers will pay you a certain amount regardless of how many times they click.

I don’t have a website. Can I still make money with Google AdSense?

No regular visits to your website? Don’t worry; Google AdSense also has a solution for this. There are a few methods to use AdSense to make money without having a website.

YouTube AdSense

Just uploading videos to your YouTube channel is all that is required. The likelihood of earning money increases with the number of views. Make sure your videos are original and don’t violate any copyrights; failing to do so could lead to the removal of your videos or potentially the closure of your channel.

Some of the free revenue-sharing websites, such as Squidoo, SheToldMe, Hubpages, etc., permit AdSense users to share/publish their articles/content whereon the AdSense ads are put by these websites; according to the website’s rules, a specific amount of the ad’s earnings will go to the user.

How to purchase an AdSense account?

You can purchase ready-to-use, approved, and verified accounts to avoid the hassle of creating a new AdSense account and getting it approved.

These accounts can be expensive and difficult to obtain, and there is a chance that con artists will attempt to dupe you. Make careful you double-check every last detail before paying for an AdSense account.

  • Purchasing AdSense is not encouraged because there is a risk of fraud and after some time Google may permanently ban your account. In Pakistan, it is challenging to discover trustworthy vendors of AdSense accounts.

How may a suspended AdSense account be reactivated? How can I get my AdSense account back? 

If a user transgresses Google’s rules, Google reserves the right to suspend or disable that user’s AdSense account. There are two grounds for suspending or disabling an AdSense account. Which are:

Invalid traffic

  • You can submit an appeal here. to ask Google to reinstate your account due to fraudulent traffic.
  • It is encouraged that you just submit one appeal; further appeals will not be considered.

How can I update my AdSense address?

Fortunately, you may update the payment address by following a few easy steps. Which are:

  • In the left navigation panel, select Settings.
  • Manage Your Payments
  • To edit “Name and address,” use the edit icon.
  • In the “Address” column, update your address

How can I delete my AdSense account?

Although closing your AdSense account is a simple process, you must first read and comprehend the terms and restrictions.

While many individuals complain that they haven’t received payment after the account has been canceled, the truth is that this is because you either haven’t rectified the problems before termination, or the account doesn’t have the amount needed to request a withdrawal.

To permanently terminate your AdSense account, take these steps.

  • Go to Settings Account Information.
  • Account Cancellation: Final Payment Eligible
  • Provide a justification for the cancellation
  • Acceptance and confirmation of T&Cs
  • Continue
  • Refusing to accept the last payment
  • The account balance is below the minimum
  • Check the box to confirm that you are aware that you will not be able to receive any pending payments.
  • Provide a justification for the cancellation
  • Acceptance and confirmation of T&Cs
  • Continue
  • Account balance above the minimum
  • Address the problems and make sure you follow the rules.
  • Start from the beginning

How to receive payment from Google AdSense?

Wire transfers are the most typical method of getting money from Google AdWords. That is the most dependable and convenient way to get your money because Google will transfer it right to your bank.

The following methods are available for receiving the payment:

  1. Transfer of Money Online (EFT)
  2. Single Euro Payments Area EFT (SEPA)
  3. a wire transfer (available in Pakistan)
  4. Western Union Fast Cash Checks (available in Pakistan)

After logging into your AdSense account, proceed to the following page to set up payment information:

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Click Payments
  • Click on Manage Payment Methods.
  • Choose “Add Payment Method.”

You must enter the details of your bank account in this section. Remember that you cannot enter your payment information until you have not yet exceeded the threshold, which is approximately $100.

Google needs the following details to set up your payment method.

  • Name of account holder (Awais Mirza)
  • Bank id (Allied Bank Limited)
  • 8 or 11-character SWIFT-BIC:
  • bank code in 4 letters
  • two-letter location codes for each country
  • branch code in 3 letters (optional)
  • IBAN (XX1100110101000010001111111P1) (XX1100110101000010001111111P1)

Your bank might offer these intermediary instructions for accepting wire transfers from the US:

  • Intermediary bank details
  • Intermediary SWIFT-BIC

Ideas for Using AdSense to Earn Money

You must be unsure about where to begin now that you are well-versed in Google AdSense. Don’t worry; we’re here to assist. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll be able to start working on your terms, be your own boss, and make a sizable sum of money (if it works out for you).

Here, we’ll talk about the most trustworthy methods for making money with Google AdSense, in-depth instructions on how to get started and proceed, and, in short, all you need to know to make money online with AdSense.


A very common technique to make money online while sharing your opinions is through blogging. According to, a blog is a website that posts a writer’s or group of writers’ personal experiences, views, opinions, etc., and frequently includes photographs and connections to other blogs.

The nicest aspect is how easy it is to do. No of your level of experience, all you need to hold yourself together throughout the procedure is a little motivation and resolve.

Since there is a strong opportunity of making money from what one enjoys doing, more and more people are turning to blogs as a hobby. Blogging is the new cool in the internet community. There is no better activity if you want to make money from it (trust me).

While there are dozens of blogging systems where you may create your own blog for free, WordPress and Google Blogger are two of the most popular ones.

A step-by-step tutorial is provided here for creating your own blog (and earning money from it through AdSense).

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To set up your blog on Blogger, just adhere to the simple instructions below.

  • Go to Blogger website
  • Click Create your blog
  • Use your Google account to log in.

Choose a title for your blog and enter as the blog address, which Google will check to see if it is available. decide on a theme.

  • Add a new post and get to work
  • in the left navigation pane, and select the Earnings tab.

All you need to do is satisfy those eligibility requirements now that you are fully aware of the AdSense eligibility requirements and the payment procedures. It’s not difficult, but it can take time. The key is to stay consistent Never stop writing after you’ve begun. Keep going and going and going. When you do, you’ll be eligible for the Google AdSense program. Even so, it’s still up to you to put in a lot of effort to get consistent traffic to your blog. If you have a consistent readership, you will start earning a respectable income.

It would be beneficial if you purchase hosting and a domain name before continuing. Do not fear; purchasing domain names and hosting is simple and won’t drain your finances too much.

  • Go to Settings >> Blog Address >> to set up a custom domain. For your blog, create a third-party URL.
  • Enter the domain address that you have bought from a domain and hosting website like GoDaddy.
  • Type in the domain name you purchased from a domain and hosting provider like GoDaddy.
  • After you follow these instructions exactly, your blog’s global settings will change in around 30 minutes and your custom domain will begin to function.


The most popular blogging platform in the world is WordPress, commonly known as a Content Management System (CMS).

There are two ways to begin blogging on WordPress, to begin with.

  • .org a self-hosted version of WordPress that is the go-to option for serious bloggers who want to make some real money and aren’t constrained by the blogging platform’s restrictions.
  • .com  A somewhat simpler method of setting up your own blog, although this is advised for those who are only interested in sometimes sharing their opinions with a small audience. It’s time to switch to the self-hosted version of the platform whenever you decide to pursue blogging more seriously, primarily due to the restrictions of the free version.

Before setting up WordPress, let’s look at a few alternative ways to monetize WordPress blogs outside Google AdSense.

  • The advertisement solution for WordPress users is WordAds.
  • To take advantage of this, click this link and register using your WordPress account: WordAds pays for impressions rather
  • than ad views, so if you have a lot of visitors it’s simple to make money.
  • In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings -> WordAds to monitor your profits.

Affiliate Marketing –Affiliate links are displayable in WordPress.

Sponsored Posts – If you’ve been successful in building a sizable following for your blog, you may be able to locate sponsors and advertisers who are prepared to pay you for displaying their content on your site.

Sell Online-You can also begin selling goods, either your own or those of others, and deduct a commission from each transaction.

YouTube Google Adsense

If you struggle with the material, don’t worry too much. There are several options that are at least as effective as blogging. While everyone has heard of people producing videos on YouTube and getting money through AdSense.

You might be wondering how folks are making six-figure incomes playing video games, publishing content, or working from home without putting in a lot of work. It has never been so simple to become a self-made celebrity, but YouTube has made it possible. YouTube is the place to go if you love to teach people through lessons or if you are an avid gamer eager to broadcast yourself while playing. The Greatest combo you can find is doing what you love and making a side income from it.

What are you still holding out for? Think of creative ideas and methods for monetizing YouTube (and of course read this guide). Own your business. Here is how to get going.
  • Sign in with your Google account
  • Go to Account Settings from the left navigation pane
  • Click Create a Channel
  • Type the name of your channel here.
  • You can see your channel page now
  • By clicking upload a video, you can add videos to your channel

Make sure you consistently post original videos. YouTube takes copyright infringement very seriously because it is such a big issue. Whatever you do, make sure you carefully read YouTube’s regulations and follow them.

You can link your YouTube channel to your AdSense account and start earning money after it has been granted permission to join the YouTube Partner Program.

  • Visit this  page and respond to the questions provided below to connect an AdSense account with your YouTube channel.
  • For Account Monetization, go to
  • You can choose your preferred methods of monetization if your channel qualifies for the YouTube Partner Program.
  • You will be sent to AdSense once you have completed all of these procedures.
  • Check to see if the email in the upper right corner of your AdSense account matches the one you use to control it by logging in.
  • Accept the affiliation, and your YouTube channel will be redirected.

The association may need to be verified for 48 hours, and after it has, your YouTube account will emphasize the successful connecting.

You must be eligible and have a validated AdSense account in order to earn money through the YouTube Partner Program.

Websites that share revenue Google Adsense

Websites that share revenue give content producers the chance to make money by producing interesting and useful material. The authors can make a good living because these websites will pay them according to the value and volume of the content.

Any topic is acceptable, and freelance writers in particular can get paid by submitting articles to websites that accept this kind of content. Popular video sharing websites are another place where people may post unique content and make money based on how well-liked it is.


Because it pays its contributors and welcomes everyone, HubPages has attracted a lot of attention. The way their system is set up, the best content rises to the top, paying its authors more.

Register on the website
Since you only need to enter your name, email address, and password, the process is quite straightforward. Although it’s not always necessary, you might need to watch lessons.

hubpages signup

Write your content now.
The “Hubs” they provide include functionality that falls somewhere between following a structure and starting your own personal blog.

Ensure that your material complies with their requirements.

Register for monetization

Hub pages will present you with a variety of revenue options. The precise strategies include Google AdSense, Amazon Associates, and eBay Affiliates. Your unique affiliate ID will operate at a 60/40 split with the main HubPages ID. In other words, Hub Pages is taking a cut of your traffic, not from payments given to you. For example, if 100 people visit your hub, 60 will see advertisements with your ID and the other 40 would see ads with Hub pages ID.

Another benefit of Hub Pages is the freedom it offers. Unlike other websites where you must stick to a specific niche, Hub Pages allows you to write on topics linked to trending keywords to increase views.

More writing and sharing
It’s time to write your heart out on those topics once you’ve been familiar with how to choose those that have promise. In order to increase the popularity of your story, keep looking for and producing relevant content. Sharing our hubs is an effective marketing strategy. Sharing them on social media and in related forums is legal and will increase views, which will increase ad clicks.

You can scale your content appropriately if you take into account that some Hub Pages writers at the average level make about $2 per hub per month. Continue writing and publishing because there is a learning curve with Hub Page’s audience and keyword research as well as because it takes a while to build up enough search authority to attract views.


How much time does it take to approve a Google AdSense account?

It can take Google between a few days and two weeks to assess and accept an AdSense application, although this time frame can vary. The time it takes to assess and accept an application varies, sometimes taking up to a month.

How to Earn Money With Google Adsense?

1. Provide original content and conduct split testing on various content and ad units to increase views and ad income. 2. To increase AdSense earnings, use AdSense Arbitrage (bought advertisements to drive visitors). 3. Make the most of your Ad Inventory by utilizing the PubGuru dashboard. 4. Become a YouTube partner to start earning money from affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and video commercials.

How much can you make using Google AdSense?

Your website’s niche, viewer location, daily visitor count, and income metrics like cost per click and cost per thousand impressions all affect how much money you can make through Google AdSense.

What Differs Between Google AdSense and Google AdX?

Both Google-owned advertising networks AdX and AdSense are targeted at different audiences and have unique features and business structures. While AdSense is primarily for smaller publishers trying to monetize their website traffic and make money from their content, AdX is primarily for larger marketers looking to bid on ad inventory from a number of sources.

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  1. Finally linked my channel, ready to earn!

  2. Sometimes, ads on a site can change my cash flow. If its a cool ad, I might see more money. But if its a weird one, I might not get as much. Clicks matter.

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